Walter M. Bortz II


Choose a video to watch by clicking on one of the small images below, and the selected video will load into the player. Then, click on the arrow that appears in the center of the large video player to watch the video.

Walter Bortz on WPIX (2:31)

"Preventing Cancer" (0:50)

"Heart Disease" (1:06)

"Mission of Medicine" (1:05)

"Preventing Arthritis" (1:17)

"Serenity Prayer" (1:11)

"Wellness vs. Disease" (0:52)

"Brain Oxygen Use" (0:53)

Commonwealth Club (3:40)

Dare to be 100 series overview (8:12)

Retired and Wired (2:29)

Interview with
Mike Huckabee (2:03)

Dr. Bortz
on Diabetes (3:12)

Small Steps Interview (3:01)

Dare to Be 100
Spot 1 (0:30)

Dare to Be 100

"Mission of Medicine"

Copyright 2006-2025 Walter M. Bortz II, M.D.